Cal Water Alerts

Kern River Infrastructure Upgrade Nears Completion

Cal Water is nearing completion on a water infrastructure upgrade that will improve water supply reliability and fire protection in Wofford Heights. Crews are rebuilding a pump station and outfitting it with a new electrical panelboard, which will help keep water flowing in the event of a power outage.

"Infrastructure improvements like this help Cal Water maintain a reliable water supply for both our customers’ everyday needs and firefighters’ emergency needs," said Kellen Boyce, Kern River Valley Operations Manager.

This 12-month-long project is in its final phase of construction, with crews installing a new unit that helps pump operators monitor the pump station 24/7 and provide an immediate response in the event of emergencies. In the event of a power outage, crews are working to install a new panelboard to enable Cal Water to connect to a mobile generator and provide power to the station and keep water flowing.

Active work will resume at the end of February, just east of Wofford Boulevard/Highway 155. Crews will be working Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The project is expected to be completed in mid-March 2025, weather permitting.

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