Cal Water Alerts

RPV Community Update Newsletter, October 27, 2023
RPV Community Update Center Water News for You, October 27, 2023

More Leak Detection Sensors and Pressure Monitors Installed

Last week, our crews installed an additional 25 leak detection sensors in the slide-prone areas. This brings the total number of sensors installed to 65. These sensors “listen” for trends in noise levels (caused by water flow) in the water mains that could indicate a leak. When a point is identified as an area of interest, we investigate further.

Furthermore, we have installed additional pressure monitors at strategic locations on the system, bringing the total number of these monitors to six. These monitors check for shifts in water pressure that could indicate a leak.

Technicians continue to work their way through the system to visually survey our infrastructure for possible unsurfaced leaks. As of October 23, they have surveyed more than 85 miles, including Seaview and Portuguese Bend Beach Club within the landslide areas. Technicians are planning to begin surveying the Portuguese Bend Community Association area next week.

Crew member installing a pressure monitor

Upcoming Water Main Projects

We are preparing to install temporary, above-ground water main at Dauntless and Exultant Drives in the Seaview neighborhood to improve the resiliency of the main with the land movement being experienced here. We are currently awaiting receipt of materials, final approvals, and the field walk-through, and we expect to begin construction in early November.

Additionally, our contractor completed the topographic survey of Seaview on October 12. This will support our design assessment for additional water main replacements in the area.

In Portuguese Bend, we are in the design phase of our water main replacement project along Narcissa Drive. We will be installing about 9,500 feet of 8-inch, flexible main to replace smaller-diameter water main along Narcissa and add to a portion of the street that currently does not have pipeline to improve fire flow. Most of this proposed main is expected to be installed above-ground.

Cal Water at Prepared Peninsula

Attendees at the Prepared Peninsula Expo and Town Hall watching a presentation

On October 22, we were pleased to join the Prepared Peninsula Expo and Town Hall. At the expo, we were able to share information with residents about identifying leaks on their properties, wildfire preparedness, emergency preparedness, and conservation. Afterward, we joined Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi, Senator Ben Allen, and our city leaders at the town hall to discuss important information on emergency preparedness.

Cal Water truck in Palos Verdes

RPV Community Update Center

Cal Water is addressing increased water main leaks in Rancho Palos Verdes due to ground movement by implementing both immediate and long-term solutions.

Community Update Center
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RPV Community Update Newsletters

Cal Water’s newsletters update Rancho Palos Verdes residents on responses to increased land movement.

Community Update Newsletter
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